Sunday, June 28, 2015


 I'm so tired of seeing all the drama every where I turn! First off, everyone needs to go read a history book, because the confederate flag is a symbol of the first 13 colonies! (Educate yourself) and secondly, I don't care if Edelise got married to Sally sue, and Sally Sue's baby daddy's, aunt's, grandma's, 8th cousin was originally a male, but turned into a bunny from outer space! If no one personally hurt you, then ignore it! God wants us to love everyone, and not judge them! Bob and Frank may have gotten married, but it's not like they are sitting there doing the "YMCA" in your front yard! You never know when you may need a organ transplant, or CPR, if the only one left in the world comes from a multiracial, Gay, transvestite, and you turn it down, because you do not believe they lived the "right " way, then it would hurt no one but yourself in the end!


The problem with the world today, is that everyone is always in other people's business! These days, no one has a life of their own, and that means privacy is gone! However, lots of people just "assume" what they see or hear is the truth! Just because someone from over 10 feet away, over-heard Sally say that "John Doe smashed a shoe fly, and then threw it in the river." Doesn't mean that John Doe really smashed that shoe fly! Maybe Sally really said, that poor little "John smashed his toe, and then saw his shoe fly into the river!" Maybe little John really needs your help, but you are now thinking that he is some sort of horrible fly squashing person! If you have any questions and you really want to know the truth about someone, then go up to that person and ask them! Stop gossiping, and spreading lies, when you don't even know if the he-said / she-said stuff is actually the truth! Turn the tables around! What if that person was actually talking about YOU, and you were no where around! Do you want lies spread around about you? 

*Before you speak, THINK:

  1. Is it TRUE? 
  2. Is it HONEST? 
  3. Is it INSPIRING? 
  4. Is it NECESSARY? 
  5. Is it KIND? 

If you answered no to any of those, then don't say it!